DEV UTILS (development utilities) – is an utility C# library for helping to implement easily simple and casual development tasks. The library provides implementation of two common issues: data serialization and running long tasks in threads with progress visualization. The main goal of the library implementation is to provide easiest way for using the features with minimal efforts and code writing and with maximum possibilities.
Demo examples: Devutils.Demo.rar
Documentation: NStorage_manual.en.pdf (English) (Russian)
Tasking is an utility library for implementing running of long tasks in separate threads with progress visualization.
Main advantages of the library are:
- 100% C# source code;
- Easy run tasks in threads with progress visualization;
- Support of task cancellation and abort;
- Visualization in new GUI thread – no GUI suspension;
- Automatically calculated left task’s time;
- Exception handling in started thread;
- Support of blocking main GUI thread when task running;
- Task execution report generation.
Example of task progress visualization:
N-Storage is an utility library for storing and reading (serialize and deserialize) C# object data. Data stored in human-readable text format. System automatically supports forward and backward compatibility when program data structure changes.
Main advantages of the library are:
- 100% C# source code.
- Simple text file format, human readability.
- Simple in use with minimal code writing.
- Automatically supports the most of .NET types (including generic types).
- Forward and backward version compatibility for object data changes.
- Error diagnostics when sawing and reading data.
- Reading data with noncritical errors.
- Any type automatically serialized (without Serializable attribute).
- No problem with Events.
- No problem with mutually dependent objects.
- Streams and memory-mapped files serialization.
Storage structure view example:
© Sergey L. Gladkiy